Is the Future Cyberpunk? Science Fiction Through Philosophy and Theory

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This is the reason why I write cyberpunk and how I see it aligns with my activism and political views. Very nice video on the subject of whether our future is cyberpunk.

Vdeo description with creator links etc:

Art, aesthetics, and literature play an absolute fundamental role in how we interact with the world, and more specifically, the future. Undeniably, this is what science fiction often sets out to do, to add context to the future. But, for many, there's something presciently relevant about the world of Cyberpunk compared to Star Wars or Star Trek. For this, we explore just that.

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Text discussed! Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures:

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Intro: 0:00
Neoliberalism of Cyberpunk: 2:53
Private Military: 4:40
Ultimate Hedonism and Postfordism: 5:24
Transhumanism and Postmodernism: 6:41
The Loss of Future: 8:18
Conclussionary Thoughts: 10:32
A Message: 12:11



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