Prose and musing by Sam I am.
Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time.
Prose and musing by Sam I am.
Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time.
It feels like our world is falling apart, especially in the western hemisphere. We are struggling to find our balance as it tears at the seams. But we can't underestimate this system, which was designed for survival and will not go down without a fig
Boy you're telling me
What I don’t want to see
Even if it is the truth
Coming round the house
Opening up your mouth
The wisdom of your youth
I’ll go right ahead
And bury up my dead
In the ever-rising sea
And as this rock explodes
Right und
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If I say the god I believe in doesn’t carry a brief case
And the devil is in need of a shave
If I dare to ask the question
Will you stop me and tell me to behave
If I question every answer
If I fold beneath the sheets
I am so f#€£ed up
33 years of programming is hard to remove
And it’s a useful excuse
I am full of them
33 years of practice
Hard to establish new ways of being
Hidden from the world
And Armageddon is coming
I don’t believe
Pearls before pigs’ man, like I know, fishing deep in the offal for offering.
diving isn’t deep anymore.
And neither are the divers.
There’s nothing worth seeing down there.
Get your finger out of our arseholes.
And we’ll get ours out of yours.
It’s our fa
Do we have pearls to spare?
I doubt it round here.
There is no wisdom either.
Not enough imagination.
To realise they are stuck.
Or too pacified.
Of where the next meal is coming from.
I am lucky.
Many are not.
I should do more.
We all sho
I haven’t really produced much in the way of art, writing, for some time. I would say I have been otherwise engaged, but that would make it sound like I had something better, or more important to do. And maybe I did.
My mental health has been at its
in the shadows, we lurk
dismissed from the table
no banquet to speak of
the misguided become misinformed
and the cracks start to show
the chambers once echoed
voices rising up in unison
now they sit empty
they take up arms
we take up words
Ok I am gonna say it, I have been quiet.
Lost for words.
And to a degree I still am.
I mean…….
Is it in our generations, in our lifetimes that this is going to happen?
Whatever this is………. it isn’t good.
in the violence of words.
peace reframed, brings the hate out to enlighten us.
in streets, fighting for what is not attacked, from those calling out what is,
hiding truth in lies. bullets in babies. for the greater good. reframe, make palatable.
an eye for an eye, in god they trust, killing in the name of.
just whose god, or who is.
if everyone is to end up blind, or partially sighted at best, then in the land of the blind, a one-eyed person holds the reigns.
justify as you testify, but ther
you never see it coming, but you expect it none the same.
it comes in slowly, to its own fame.
& yet we never mention it by name.
it rips your heart out, up through your soul, as you choke trying to pull it out of your throat.
and you expect it aga
Strolling thru some mediocre, twenty-four-thousand words some good, some bad, just so I can get to the point that I can write what I am meaning to say. And so often their slipping, but there is something in the scrolling that is strangely poetic and
an edge.
supposedly it’s good to have one
but what if that edge has you.
what then.
it is there, lurking in the background. waiting.
waiting. for the right time.
it is the waiting that kills you. that swells deep inside.
gnawing away at your liver.
We are what we are, if only we could be happy with that
It was good, and then it went away. It does that.
The darkness creeps in and spoils an almost alright time.
My feet ache, and I haven’t been anywhere. It makes me feel like I am an old man. And
These worlds I create. Interrelate in their irrelevance to anyone but me. They circumnavigate the truth. as we all do. but these somehow more so. It is how it is meant to be. There is solace in their shelter. In their shade I roam. Out of view. far f
don’t hide from it, it lurks there for a reason. You can find meaning in it. if you dare. It won’t be pretty, and you’ll hate yourself for it, at least to begin with, I hope. If you stare hard enough, you just might see it for what it is. Or maybe yo
Generations lost to cracked screens.
Sharing links to forgotten dreams.
A world on display, curated for our pleasure.
A world of lies that only sells leisure.
Where do we go from here?
Ai takes us away, we disappear.
The mirror so black we don’t rec
I won’t let them win. They keep trying to get in. to get through the door. But I aint taking this shit anymore. Kiss the frog. That is the price I pay. Get these words out. Get them out the way. So that I can move on. I am what I am, so what the he
explain the question.
It keeps ticking, this time bomb. And we make sure we’re standing real close. Most people disagree with me, that we are, if not already living in one, sleepwalking our way into dystopia. They ignore what is in front of them for
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