Musing of a Cyberpunk

Prose and musing by  Sam I am.

Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time. 

wisdom of wisdom fools

wisdom of wisdom fools


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If I say the god I believe in doesn’t carry a brief case

And the devil is in need of a shave

If I dare to ask the question

Will you stop me and tell me to behave

If I question every answer

If I fold beneath the sheets

If my soul is eaten with cancer

Will you still believe

I take up arms so defensive

I take up position so wide

I act not to be offensive

I act until I die

My god needs no worship

No slavery in sight

No servants at the door

No widows plight

I take up arrows of good fortune

And plunder what is left

Of your sanctions comes my thunder

Of you love I am bereft

Stolen from me before birth

I reach out and yearn

Taken from what I’m worth

But in you I never learn

Take up arms of good sorrow

Spears turn into earthly tools

In your yoke I will borrow

The wisdom of wisdom fools

I look now for life’s long lesson

And find it lacking in plain view

I beg forgiveness for my transgression

I wish your judgement were not true

I wish now for an answer

A way to make it all worthwhile

Take god away this cancer

 And put back my childish smile

Finding meaning without reason

Finding reason where meaning once stood

No changing within the season

No words that come out good

I ask now for the guidance

To find a way through it all

I ask now not for your silence

I ask now not to let us fall





words and sounds by me, images directed by me, inspired by the words above, created by


by Sam I Am

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