Acid Reflux Diet


There is an unquestionable correlation between the occurrence of acid reflux and your diet. Everything in the body has a fragile balance. The human body is indeed a miracle of systems that maintains just about the right settings to keep the whole thing running smoothly. For that reason it is the healthiest when there is an acidic stability.

However, if there is excessive production of acid, generally facilitated by habits like overeating or smoking, acid reflux is likely to get triggered, and if it goes unregulated, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) can develop. The person suffering from heartburn needs to have a special acid reflux diet. He/She needs to identify which foods are safe, and avoid the foods that trigger heartburn.

Fortunately, proper acid reflux diet can effectively improve your condition. One of the most vital things to cool heartburn down is to spurn certain foods. In many cases, just by following a recommended acid reflux diet is all that is necessary to control GERD.

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Safe Foods

Most dieticians advise an acid reflux diet consisting of more alkaline or basal foods. The key traits in any acid reflux diet, is that it is low fat and non-spicy. Foods that are usually safe for GERD sufferers to consume are - cabbage, green beans, broccoli, peas, apples, bananas, carrots, lean cuts of grilled meat, fish with no added fat, egg whites, low-fat cheeses like feta, low-fat salad dressings and multi-grain breads.

Foods to avoid

Certain foods aggravate digestion, thereby inducing acid reflux. Therefore it's best to limit or completely avoid these foods and/or drinks in your acid reflux diet. Foods with extra cheese (like pizzas), junk foods, processed foods, citrus fruits, catsup based foods, chilies, caffeine, fried foods, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, mint, and onions have been known to act as catalysts for heartburn.

A good practice to follow, if you suffer from GERD is to create a food diary and log your meal intake for at least two weeks. Note down what you eat, when you have and any heartburn symptoms you may experience. This will help you and your health care professional plan your acid reflux diet and decide on any modifications in eating habits.


Overeating can also aggravate acid reflux symptoms. Acid reflux diet also dictates changing your portion perception. Skipping that second helping or fatty dish, eating slow and drinking plenty of water can make a lot of difference. Simple, sensible alterations in your lifestyle can do wonders for quelling acid reflux, not to mention improving overall fitness. By pursuing an appropriate acid reflux diet, living a hearburn-free life is within anyoneís reach.


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


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