Musing of a Cyberpunk

Prose and musing by  Sam I am.

Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time. 

I paint a blank picture

I paint a blank picture

Here we go again, another manmade disaster, and it will be our fault. I mean, it is, just not in the way that they will spin it. And so, our belt will get tightened, that’s assuming we can afford to buy or own them, and they haven’t become just another precious commodity sold on the black market of half-useful goods. I know I paint a blank picture. I fear we kid ourselves that we can think our way out of these things as they start to crumble. Like the empires of old. It all must come to an end somehow or are we arrogant enough to think we are somehow different? I don’t know. I know I paint a blank picture because a bleak one will never be bleak enough. As the Ai draws for me, what is it I become? I hope I am wrong. And everything will be, will be just fine. Look how resourceful we have become. Almost so much so that it is almost all gone. I know I paint a bleak picture, but I don’t see much to be positive about right now. Or is it just me, am I pissing into the wind, and it’s coming out steam. I am sold that great thinkers are thinking about it in abstract ways. And why does Microsoft, every time I write a fucking swear word feel the need to dot the lines underneath them like I have done something wrong. I am told I am too defensive, and they are right. It comes from a lifetime of hiding in plain sight. But none of that will help this situation, it might only document its stain. As we step from it what will we become. In the thick of it, who will we be. I know I paint a blank picture; I hope we prove me wrong.






image created by me with the title of this piece, and using Wonder Ai

by Sam I Am

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