Prose and musing by Sam I am.
Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time.
Prose and musing by Sam I am.
Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time.
It comes as a shock, life.
When you eventually start living it that is.
Before then it is just a fucking annoyance.
Or for some a fucking blessing, lucky bastards.
But eventually, you will realise you have not been living all along.
And hope it isn’t too long, or too late when you do.
For so many it is.
Regret, as we have discussed, is a motherfucker.
It creeps in.
Don’t let the naysayers of doubt spike your nectar.
You know the fuckers will.
We get in our own way.
But we are programmed to do so.
And so, we keep doing it, stuck on repeat.
Until we wake up.
And see it for the fucked-up shit it really is.
And then we die if we are lucky.
We are rarely that lucky.
Some go without knowing the difference, maybe they are the lucky ones.
But I wouldn’t want to follow them, they might get lost.
And with my attention span and lack of focus, I would be lost in a purgatory that is a lot like this life only with more gray, if that is possible.
I am so glad I didn’t wake up back then.
Now, at least, we have a great theme tune.
The way we imagined it.
When we practiced in our rooms.
Alone. Where no one could see us.
Now with one in either end, we are taken to heaven in two minutes and forty-five. And we paid for the privilege and will do so again.
Pulled by their strings. We go willingly. Some hop.
Some skip.
Some fall at the first hurdle.
Some don’t even try.
They make examples of us.
So, get used to it.
It’s a sign you’re doing something right.
Ai generated Art based on the text above from
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