Musing of a Cyberpunk

Prose and musing by  Sam I am.

Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time. 

Jazz writing

Jazz writing

What is this jazz I am writing? What am I doing it for? This free flow of word-formation. It comes at a cost and may be ignored. But the ignorant swell in their space.

I used to want to be somebody. To be somebody else. I tried and I failed more times than I can wonder. Until that path takes me again. But for now I will have to be me and I am sure that’s a constant disappointment to the naysayers in my head.

But I am well-loved and for that I am lucky.

This is not sentimental whining. This is not the truth at all costs. But it certainly aint no lie. It is what it is. Or so they say, and I fucking hate every word of that pathetic excuse for a reason.

I sit half-baked. Tapping away words. Listening to jazz. The inspiration flows through me and I feel like I step into a new dawn. I understand much and yet perceive so little in the words that spill forth. I am not worthy dear reader of understanding them. That can fall only to you.

But know with love I sit and write. And the words they attempt to find meaning in this world without soul.

I look at humanity and its future looks grim. No which way you look at it we’re fucked. And those we elected to unfuck us just pile on for some more.

We can’t elect our way out of this, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. It means we should try harder.

The smart harnesses the power of the primate in all of us and elicits its use in achieving their goals. Unbeknownst to our human host, we act without consciousness or conscience.  

Following in step like a slice of lemmings. We wander right confident we will not fall. But if Wile E Coyote knows when the ground is no longer underfoot. We feel it too. But we keep walking. And if we fall, we deny it.

We deny it. We get up. We keep moving. For that is the American way. And I am not American.

Do we deny our roots the closer we are to home?

I don’t like to get personal, but it is time we started to ask ourselves the truly tough questions and stop paying lips service to it by finding shadows and just doing us.




Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels

by Sam I Am

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