Musing of a Cyberpunk

Prose and musing by  Sam I am.

Writer of cyberpunk, dystopian fiction, and nonfiction. Plus whatever drives me at the time. 

You can keep your cap on

You can keep your cap on

Should there be a cap on fuel prices?  

When fuel is a basic need, unfortunately, in this capitalist world and without it vulnerable people can’t keep warm, can’t cook food, and can’t get about. Then surely it should be protected from price increases.

Of course, this is a pie in the sky idea in a world where banks are bailed out from a financial crisis they caused, in 2008, and the poor are blamed in the right-wing media while austerity eats away at what little they have.

In a world dying from fossil fuels yes we should find alternatives but anyone who says that and points a finger at the working-class parent trying to feed their kids on minimum wage lives a privileged life. The world may be dying, and governments and big business need to step up and stop hiding behind net-zero targets which are designed to keep the economy going by sustaining the status quo. But the struggling workers, job seekers, and those more vulnerable who have to decide between eating, heating, and paying the rent they are focused on daily survival, not the bigger picture.

Meantime billionaires ask for bailouts as they don their space suits, and the ozone sinks a little sadder. 

Of course, it’s the fault of the lazy unemployed, the working class, the single mothers, scroungers, and immigrants, probably even Jeremy Corbyn (he hasn’t been blamed for much lately, so it probably is his fault). At least it is if you believe the media, the politicians, and the world elite.

And when a plague hits the gap widens, the poor get poorer and the rich take advantage. Who picks up the bill? 

When six apples are reduced to four. When bailiffs are at the door. Apparently, it’s all down to Netflix and pizza. 

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Buy a dream on YouTube. Get sucked into to a cult of conspiracy, in your echo chambers locked inside bubbles that may never burst. Start an uprising. They will lock down your protest rights, your freedom of speech online, and even your right to privacy. As it all becomes weaponised by both sides.

Be productive, start a side hustle even though you are just hustling to survive each day it’s not enough. It’s all your fault. Or the immigrants. But never bankers. Never big business. Never big tech. And certainly, never the government. 

Whist big business has its hands firmly in the pockets of the politicians and the media they will remain protected as the public foots the bill. 

So, when energy and fuel suppliers hike up prices due to the pandemic, so they say, but don’t pass on the savings when the prices drop you would like to think the government would step in. But instead, their billionaire holding the purse strings condescends and tells you to cut back. So, get off your peloton, switch off Netflix and put down the pizza and get back to work, don’t ask for help that only exists for those all too needy 1%ers.


Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels


by Sam I Am

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