Political Analysis

In this section, I am looking at how politics is using digital, direct & data-driven marketing and manipulation, propaganda, and gaslighting through behavioral communication techniques in today's world.

Challenging the narratives and misuse of big data and data science within the political sphere.

Pushing for a no deal Brexit is Unpatriotic 

Pushing for a no deal Brexit is clearly Unpatriotic yet it seems like the mainstay of Brexiteers and Conservative Leadship Hopefuls?

Whether we voted to remain or leave, I voted to remain so let's get my position out there at the start, the fact remains that the democratic process was followed.  

We can scream, shout and protest about it all we want but as it stands today that doesn’t seem to be working.  

So, what now? 

Deal or no deal? Months on that is still the question. 

When watching the lead up to the referendum it was clear to me, as someone who analyses marketing and communication that there was a lot of misdirection going on. That there was clearly an agenda of fear be perpetrated and stoked up by the media and that one side clearly had better funding and strategy than the other. 

The Vote Leave and Brexit campaigns were clearly better put together and more targeted in their message and their approach. The Vote Remain was complacent at best, assuming it was a done deal. 

With the language of fear used and stoked up by the media the campaign to leave on the grounds of protecting Britain from the threats of mass immigration, terrorism and EU bureaucracy where are all well documented.  

However, now we face the issue of leaving the EU with or without a deal.  

aAnd what surprises me most about this is that the same characters that were pushing leave and Brexit on the basis of nationalistic pride and security are now calling for a no deal! 

This is both shocking and worrying, mainly because their supporters cannot see the hypocrisy in this. 

When the goal was to leave based on national pride, security and (to steal a phrase) “making Britain Great again”, I didn’t like it, but I understood their position and their agenda. I could understand their framing and could challenge it in my own way. 

When it comes to a no deal Brexit though it astounds me that the same people are pushing for it.  

Leaving with no deal in October will mean catastrophic economic damage for the UK. As bad if not worse than the 2008 crash.  

You do not need to be an economist to figure out that no deal on trade means no trade...... let me state that again... no deal = no trade = recession. This is not a hard concept to understand. Recession = job losses, downward turning economy and widening social and market polarization.  

And it's not like under the austerity measures put in place since the 2008 crash that we have a robust social welfare system that will help out those losing their jobs and homes.  

With no deal in place we will not be able to trade with EU countries. Yes, new deals could be struck but these could take months even years to sort out (as our present record shows), in the meantime the economy will spiral out of control as factories and business shut unable to import or export their products.  

With no deal in place we will also be negotiating from a backfoot weaken position. Meaning whatever deals, we get after that will be significantly worse than the position we are in now and not good for the UK economy. And if we think we can rely on deal with Trump and his cohort to bail us out, let’s be clear the only reason he is pushing this agenda is for what is in it for him and the US, read this article for more on that https://www.politics.co.uk/comment-analysis/2019/06/03/trump-s-uk-trade-deal-an-abusive-relationship-with-a-now-vul 

So for all that bother to look and investigate it begs the question: how is a no deal Brexit good for our national security and economy? How is a no deal Brexit patriotic?  

Surely entering into productive negotiations and not giving up until we get an exit deal that is good for the UK and our EU neighbours is the most patriotic option of all. 


by Sam I Am

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