Story Art Project

And the devil died screaming: Season One in the Ultra-High Series

This a live writing, story art project. This graphic novel is a true cyberpunk mentalist fiction created with a dialogue between low life (the writer) and high tech (the Ai), it is an ongoing dialogue that will grow and change over time. 

I am writing/creating a psychological cyberpunk dystopian fantasy, a graphic novel, and a live writing experiment between writer/story artist Sam I Am and AI / Artificial Intelligence.

To make a more digitally immersive experience.

Art by Wonder Ai directed by Sam I Am. Practicing the art of story. Writer of psychological, dystopian, fiction, and nonfiction.

Noise Maker. Art is activism. Abstraction over algorithm.

This is a work in progress, live writing experiment and will be continuously edited over time.

Episode Twenty Four - Historians of a Broken Reality

Episode Twenty Four - Historians of a Broken Reality

What becomes of the historians in a world where reality is no longer tangible? Where do they fit into this new society? They could be valuable resources, but unfortunately, they are banned along with physical schools and buildings. The power to control the narrative and perception of the world lies in the hands of the Corporation, creating the illusion of freedom while shaping individual histories within each ultra-high reality. Each person lives in a different reality and has their own unique understanding of history, meticulously crafted by the Corporation.


This record will not reveal the devastating plagues and diseases that decimated the earth, bringing about economic collapse and eventually triggering the final world war. It won't mention how governments crumbled under the influence of corporatocracy or record the widespread famine, floods, and environmental disasters that caused immense suffering and ultimately led humanity to surrender its supposed freedoms in exchange for entry into their own artificial reality pods.


The corporations marketed it as a solution to save humanity. They promised to liberate people from government control and the limitations of borders, all while providing access to a globalized world without ever having to leave their pods. It boasted clean air, physical activity, healthy food, and the opportunity to live out one's wildest dreams. For some, it also offered a chance at a fresh start - with a new reality comes a new body, a new family, and a new life.

It was seen as the perfect solution to the distressing reality, so this gift- once only available to the wealthy- became accessible to all. The doors were flung open, and the remaining human population eagerly entered the dream-like alternate reality.


However, some resisted, insisting that the world should reject this false existence and remain in the real world. They were mocked and disregarded by many, who soon forgot about their protests once they were living in their paradise. Eventually, when no one was left to witness their suffering, those who resisted were forced into the pods through torture. Some managed to escape or disappear, sparking talk of a potential resistance or revolution. But who would they be fighting for? Those who willingly entered the pods and now live in their utopia? What for? To breathe polluted air and consume contaminated food in an environment where the unforgiving sun can burn away your skin and the elements are as treacherous as they are deadly.


Despite the devastation, some survivors learned to adapt and thrive in a new way of life. These fellow behavioural hackers on the secret dark web claim to have witnessed these resilient individuals thriving without the interference of government and corrupt corporations. They have found solace on remote islands where pollution is minimal, and survival is more feasible. As time passed and most of humanity remained trapped in their artificial, self-centered virtual reality, the earth slowly began to heal.

There are now two distinct worlds: the harsh reality of survival and a utopian illusion of freedom. One is filled with struggle and strife, where humans fight to survive in an unforgiving world. The other offers relative ease, with scripted challenges to give life a sense of purpose. Ultimately, both are locked in their separate pods, slowly losing their grip on reality until they go insane or are quietly disposed of for asking too many questions. There is no uproar or protest, no awareness of what truly lies behind the facade.


Those who are born into the ultra-high society know no other way of life. It is all they have ever known and will never question the privileges they were born into. Even during childbirth, the mother does not get to physically hold her newborn or breastfeed it as the child is immediately taken away for upbringing in the ultra-wealthy society. This is the result of a grand experiment by the corrupt government to mould and shape citizens into obedient workers, serving their interests without question.



This graphic novel is a true cyberpunk mentalist fiction created with a dialogue between low life (the writer) and high tech (the Ai), it is an ongoing dialogue that will grow and change over time. 

This is a live book series writing/story art, graphic novel cyberpunk, and dystopian fantasy project. Written by Sam I Am Artwork by Kling Ai directed by Sam I Am. Copyright is protected. It is a first rough draft work in progress so will change over time. This project is part of the writing projects.

by Sam I Am

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