Story Art Project

And the devil died screaming: Season One in the Ultra-High Series

This a live writing, story art project. This graphic novel is a true cyberpunk mentalist fiction created with a dialogue between low life (the writer) and high tech (the Ai), it is an ongoing dialogue that will grow and change over time. 

I am writing/creating a psychological cyberpunk dystopian fantasy, a graphic novel, and a live writing experiment between writer/story artist Sam I Am and AI / Artificial Intelligence.

To make a more digitally immersive experience.

Art by Wonder Ai directed by Sam I Am. Practicing the art of story. Writer of psychological, dystopian, fiction, and nonfiction.

Noise Maker. Art is activism. Abstraction over algorithm.

This is a work in progress, live writing experiment and will be continuously edited over time.

Episode Seventeen

Episode Seventeen

Although I occasionally went to the office to work, I preferred creating from the comfort of my home, where silence and solitude allowed for uninterrupted daydreaming that often sparked my creativity. To me, daydreaming was just as important in today's society as mindfulness was during its peak. Sometimes I would get lost in my work for days on end, especially when I was creating a new platform in my studio. During those moments, it didn't feel like work at all; time seemed to slip away while engaging both sides of my brain as an Ultra-High Behavioural Architect. As architects, we needed to possess the qualities of psychologists, physicists, visual artists, AI engineers, data scientists, scholars, and sculptors, but above all else, we needed to be experts in understanding and manipulating the human condition and experience.


With the discovery of the fourth, fifth, and sixth dimensions came endless possibilities. The concept of hacking our existence and redefining what it means to be human became a reality. Some sought enlightenment and ascension to a higher plane, while others thirsted for power. Unfortunately, as with most advancements, the poor were left behind while the wealthy thrived. It wasn't until the 1% realised they were nothing without the support of the other 99% that there was any semblance of balance. But this balance came at a cost.

You may wonder why I continued working in a system that favoured the 1% and exploited the rest of us. The answer is simple: survival. Although I wasn't among the elite, I had certain freedoms that were denied to the rest of society.


My work served as an escape from reality and also played a part in a larger game of subverting the oppressive regime. I used my position to improve the lives of those who were being exploited, all while flying under the radar of their pervasive network.

When working from home, I often found myself in a creative state of mind. This is when my ideas flowed the most freely and I could create something truly unique and groundbreaking. However, this also meant that my work was not always perfect or polished; it was raw and unrefined, like a first draft. But that was okay because it was during these moments that I broke through to something new, tapping into my subconscious. This was a well-known phenomenon in the early days of technological advancements, where being under the influence of psychotropic drugs was encouraged among architects. For me, it was simply a way to cope with the stresses of the world. As an architect, I combined bits of AI algorithms with traditional mediums such as oils and canvas, while immersing myself in the sounds of nature and the intensity of childbirth. Then, in a moment of pure ecstasy fueled by psychedelics, everything would come together into an incredible masterpiece. Of course, upon sober reflection the next day, there would be a lot of flaws mixed in as well. But with careful examination and refinement, I would always find the gem hidden within.

Architects have often compared themselves to gods, shaping and controlling the lives and worlds of people. But those who manipulate without regard for the network or individuals don't last long in this industry. To me, creating was more than a job – it defined who I was. People created their own lives and worlds; my role was to facilitate and influence that process for the betterment of humanity. But it wasn't a one-way street; my creations had minds and lives of their own, constantly responding and evolving with input from both myself and the collective consciousness. This is why it was pure art to me – my canvas was interactive and always changing. As a coder and architect, I also saw myself as a hacker, finding ways to improve upon the human condition through subtle changes in neural networks connected to the mainframe of machine learning algorithms. While technically illegal, there were no laws in place to address this concept, so legality was simply a matter of perspective.


The human minds were like a complex network, feeding into the software and cloud system that was hardwired into the machine mainframe. This, in turn, fed into the learning algorithms of the machine. It may sound overwhelming, but I didn't design this structure; I simply worked within it. Of course, it required a lot of coding - both direct and deflective - to cover my tracks and keep the operation hidden.

Let's be clear: no humans were harmed in the creation of this fiction. I was using their minds to create a hive mind, which then fed into individual and group software-based neural networks. These networks were then hardwired into the machine learning AI, creating a reciprocal cycle of enhancement between the humans and the system. They were becoming superhuman without even realizing it, living normal lives while being connected to the ultimate inner workings of the system.

Why was I doing this? Because I was searching for my own "Neo". Yes, I am a Matrix fan - show me a hacker who isn't. Science often follows fiction, as many AI scientists are inspired by science fiction and comic book superheroes. The inspiration for countless inventions over the past 200 years can be traced back to these sources, proving just how powerful our imaginations can be.

The Bible was no longer the guiding force of our world. Instead, it was works like The Matrix and other forms of media that began to shape our reality. The predictions of great writers were not because they had divine insight, but because they were enthusiasts of science fiction, superhero stories, and other elements of pop culture. These 2D works of art and fiction acted as sigils of scientific futures, inspiring memes that led to the creation of new technologies. And the individuals who consumed these works became inspired to bring these imaginings to life in our 3D world.


This interaction between the 2D worlds of fiction and our 3D reality gave rise to the concept of multiverses, which eventually paved the way for the creation of the metaverse. As we transitioned from silver screens to virtual reality and then into Ultra-High, those once superhuman dreams became possible realities. However, the original intention was for individuals stepping into Ultra-High to become all-powerful gods, creating their desired realities. But this soon proved problematic as some succumbed to madness or megalomania under the weight of such responsibility.


To combat this, architects trained in behavioural influence were brought in. The combination of AI technology and human imagination had gone too far; we were never meant to be gods but rather caretakers of these worlds. It may seem like the network was looking out for its inhabitants by bringing in architects like me, but in reality it was about maintaining control and keeping those trapped within Ultra-High in check. This is why my work had to remain hidden from the network's view - if they saw us as potential gods, it would be seen as a threat to their power.


Out of all the science fiction, comic books, and superhero stories I consumed in the past, I found myself most drawn to the villains. It wasn't because I had a predisposition towards being bad; only time and your judgment will tell that. The reason behind my fascination was that they were usually the most imaginative characters, and it seemed like they were having the most fun. The good guys were great at solving problems and navigating through complex webs created by the bad guys. But the creativity, artistry, and intricate planning exhibited by the villains in their attempts to take over the world were far more impressive than those who relied solely on brute force or following one clear path through the web.

Why is it that when I discuss science fiction and comic books, my language regresses to that of a child?


Sometimes, during times of creation, I would find myself so deep in my thoughts that I couldn't fully comprehend what I had produced. These ventures into alternate realities could be fascinating, trippy, or even dangerous. But some of my best work came from these moments of intoxication. Don't get me wrong, I didn't need drugs to create. And sometimes, without any substance influencing me, the act of creating itself was a high. However, it was rare for me to be completely sober at any point during the day; I usually relied on some form of drug - whether it be performance enhancers or serotonergic psychedelics. Was I a junkie? An addict? Those labels had lost meaning as society became more accepting and even encouraging of drug use as a means of escaping the harsh realities of the world. It was first subtly encouraged, then overtly pushed by big tech corporations who saw an opportunity for profit in legalizing drugs and using health apps and embedded technology to monitor and control usage. There was no longer shame or stigma attached to drug consumption; in fact, it became somewhat normalized. In some cases, it was even mandatory. By combining live health data with the ability to suggest and influence drug use, tech companies had a new form of manipulation and control that governments and dictatorships could only dream of.


I made choices when I wanted to and for my reasons. But did these choices truly belong to me, or were they implanted in my mind by outside forces? Perhaps I was merely a puppet of society or controlled by the network, with a false sense of freedom. But I could never be certain. My creative process was ever-changing, allowing ideas to flow freely. When I entered 'the zone', time and space faded into the background, and I became consumed by the process. It moved slowly yet seemed to pass quickly as I lost myself in it. The creative energy within me took control, guiding my hands across the keyboard or mixing paint on my digital palette. A new life was born within me through this creative force that had a mind of its own.




This is a live book series writing/story art, graphic novel cyberpunk, dystopian fantasy project. Written by Sam I Am Artwork by Wonder Ai directed by Sam I Am. Copyright is protected. It is a first rough draft work in progress so will change over time. This project is part of the writing projects.

words by me

Images directed by me and created using Wonder Ai

by Sam I Am

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