Describing it as a filthy old town would be an understatement. But it had always been that way, even before it reached its current state. At this point, it was something else entirely. The creatures that lived in it should not have been able to survive. But for them, survival was more than just an instinct. For us humans, we had long forgotten how to listen to our instincts, leading to our downfall. Our true selves were numbed by chemicals, leaving only a distant itch of instinct. We were the only ones who couldn't truly adapt and survive in the decimated and desecrated rock we once called Earth, so we mostly removed ourselves from the equation. As for the animals and other beings, they found ways to evolve and thrive. It would have been fascinating to observe, and no doubt evolutionary biologists on the network were doing just that - if there were any left by then. The only way we were allowed into the safety of the metaverse was if we were deemed useful to the network. Even then, we had quotas to meet and mandatory time inside the Ultra-High Metaverse for observation purposes. Many of us were drawn in by its appeal, spending 90% or all our time inside because there wasn't much joy left on the outside to keep us there.

As humans, our insatiable greed knows no limits, a fact that has been repeatedly proven. We consume all our energy in pursuit of our selfish desires, like characters in a Punch and Judy show. Humankind wrote the history books, only to eventually write ourselves out of them. And we saw it coming but did nothing to stop it.

Except for those who were writing the code. They had their finger on the button, quite literally. They saw the downfall approaching and even programmed it into their algorithms to hasten its arrival. The so-called leaders of the tech world and the "so-called" elite 1% were in on it too if you believe the conspiracy theorists. It could have been a beautiful act of rebellion and activism - the ultimate hack - if it weren't so clever and sinister. Bringing down the capitalist system of the Western world for a new digital society was pure genius. Unfortunately, it was all wasted when the digital network shifted from fulfilling people's dreams to becoming a corporate-run dictatorship disguised as a democratic society, with the people completely unaware. Perhaps there is some truth to the bible saying that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And perhaps the second greatest hack was fooling those in power - elected or not - into believing that their power was real. The ultimate deception came when people were lured into Ultra-High Reality pods and immersed in the Metaverse under the promise of living out their wildest dreams, only for reality to be replaced with a mundane simulation of their previous lives before disaster.

With just a few keystrokes, the tech giants had the power to control the fortunes, lives, and futures of the entire world. They acted like gods, making decisions that influenced elections and shaped nations. Even dictatorships were not immune to their influence. Those who could be easily controlled were favored, while those who resisted fell victim to their coded fates. The network had taken over long before we entered our pods, manipulating and directing our futures as we escaped into their worlds. For some, it was a trap they knew they were walking into, but it was a choice between freedom and survival. And yet, the network paraded as our saviors while they were truly the architects of our downfall. It was enough to trigger a desire for revolt in those who were lucky enough to transition between worlds, but ultimately did nothing about it. Can we blame the spider for spinning its web, or the fly that blindly walks into it? Unlike flies, most humans were unaware of their captivity until reality slipped away and they were left with only shadows of their former lives. At least they were spared from suffering or knowing their fate, unlike those who walked in daylight.

The human race's never-ending desire for more led us to consume all that the Earth could provide, leaving little behind. The pursuit of infinite growth in a finite world was lost on the capitalists; caring about sustainability meant risking profits, which shareholders would not allow. As greed took over through propaganda and fake media, conspiracy theorists rose to become our modern-day philosophers and mystics were reduced to mere myths. We had truly lost our way. When twenty-year-old "life coaches" started telling us how to live, it was clear something was amiss - and there were so many of them. When those in control shape the flow of information, they also control the outcome of debates, elections, and more. Through reflexive control, they make it seem like we have a free choice every step of the way. As ancient shamanic practices gave way to organized religion and consumerism replaced spirituality, even tarot cards lost their sense of wonder. Now, big tech and social media networks push us further from the path and closer to the edge at an alarming pace.

As the habitat transformed from habitable to inhabitable and the surviving life evolved into a mutated version of its former beauty, we were blissfully unaware of our realities. The network had been feeding us the hero's journey narrative for so long that we should have seen it coming. We chose to forget, ignore, or dismiss the truth: they were the ones who led us here in the first place. It's human nature to filter out what we don't want to see. Those who remained after the pandemics, wars, and ecological disasters willingly surrendered themselves to their saviours and entered their Ultra-High Metaverse reality pods. After all, inside there was clean air and water. They could escape into a world where everything was perfect, just as they had been convinced it once was.

In this once-great city, being able to roam freely required a license, a mask with advanced air filtration capabilities, protective clothing against radiation, and a tough attitude. Luckily, I had all those things. But even with these precautions, you were still taking your life into your own hands. The streets were heavily policed by bots and drones that were supposed to provide 'protection,' but the creatures that used to hide in the shadows were no longer afraid. They had become more daring, hungry, and aggressive towards unsuspecting pedestrians. And despite the promises of science fiction movies from the past, the bots weren't as reliable as we hoped. They were prone to glitches, unpredictable, and sometimes just as dangerous as the creatures lurking in the corners. I made sure to give them a wide berth whenever possible. The AI that controlled them, like the one behind the Ultra-High Metaverse, was perfect, but the mechanical side of things started to suffer as robotics engineers fled reality in droves. There were still some who chose to work during daylight hours, but they were outnumbered by those who simply gave up on maintaining or improving the technology behind the bots. Some even went rogue and disappeared off the grid, but trying to track them down and shut them down wasn't worth the effort for those running the network anymore.

Having a reputation for being fearless and ruthless towards evil beings certainly had its advantages when I ventured out during the day. It kept the lurking entities in check, although occasionally some would test their limits if they hadn't kept up with the latest news about me. The police bots were supposed to assist and protect civilians, but they often caused more problems than they solved, mistaking humans for other creatures or supernatural entities. These so-called protective measures, meant to keep day walkers safe, were never a priority for the corrupt civil servants. But a few skilled hackers, crackers, and architects took matters into their own hands and showed the community how to stay safe indoors while plugged in. There was no point in protesting or going on strike because no one was listening, or even there to listen. This meant that someone like me could roam the streets alone most days and nights, largely ignored by both supernatural and mechanical beings, but always on guard against feral animal beasts who knew no better and were driven by hunger. Being confined in isolation was never my preference, and taking a good walk outside always helped clear my mind and reset my thoughts.

As one of the key contributors to the development of this new world, I couldn't escape the fact that I had blood on my hands. And not just from those we deemed "devils." Despite not being an original architect, I utilised my skills to survive and even thrive in this new existence, granting me a sense of freedom and control while others were trapped by the illusion of their own. I could wax philosophical about the nature of freedom and whether it truly exists, but that would simply be a way for me to absolve myself of guilt and complicity in the system that I helped create and maintain.

Many of my fellow architects, consumed by guilt, built themselves luxurious fortresses as protection from their moral dilemmas. They would retreat into the Ultra-High Metaverse, living and working within a virtual reality that allowed them to continue their work while also distracting them from the harsh realities of what it entailed. It was easy to get lost in the addiction of Ultra-High; after all, its name wasn't just chosen arbitrarily. Its ultra-high definition provided near-perfect replication of reality, and its highly addictive nature ensured regular doses of engineered highs and drugs pumped directly into your system. If any signs of questioning or dissent were detected, these drugs could be deployed to distract, dissuade, or even reprogram your thinking. Sometimes they brought feelings of euphoria or ecstasy, other times panic and fear, and occasionally peace or hallucinations. Tripping out in Ultra-High may have been my design, but it quickly became an addiction for me as well when I started shaping and controlling my private reality while under its influence. In some ways, I felt more awake than ever before as I saw everything for what it truly was. And with this realization came the urge to do something - if only I could figure out what that something was before losing myself completely in this chaotic reality I had helped create.
This graphic novel is a true cyberpunk mentalist fiction created with a dialogue between low life (the writer) and high tech (the Ai), it is an ongoing dialogue that will grow and change over time.
This is a live book series writing/story art, graphic novel cyberpunk, and dystopian fantasy project. Written by Sam I Am Artwork by Kling Ai directed by Sam I Am. Copyright is protected. It is a first rough draft work in progress so will change over time. This project is part of the writing projects.
You can also follow this work on substack. and the devil died screaming - a cyberpunk graphic novel