My head was throbbing, and my eyes were glued shut. There was a sense of danger creeping up my throat, something was wrong. As I struggled to move, I realized that I was not in my bed. Instead, I was sitting upright in a chair that I couldn't escape from. All my attempts to open my eyes felt like pulling apart hardened glue on my eyelids. Panic set in as I realized the severity of the situation. I was bound to a chair in my own home. My head was still pounding, making me feel like my mouth was filled with sawdust and razor blades. What had happened? Was this some sort of revenge for something I had said or done? I shouldn't have let my bad mood affect such an important relationship. Now, they seemed to be taking their anger out on me, leaving me tied up and vulnerable. As these thoughts of hate towards Satan flooded my mind, I heard a faint moan coming from my right side. Turning to try to look, I could sense them - gagged and tied up, just like me.

Confusion flooded over me as I realized we were both victims in this twisted game. They were trying to speak or scream through their gag, but all that came out were muffled sounds and growls. The darkness inside me grew as I tried to clear my head and make sense of what was happening. Who did this? How did they get past my security? And most importantly, where the hell were they now? A gust of salty air blew through the house, reminding me that the doors must have been left open by our attackers. But there was no other sound - no sign of anyone else in the house. It wasn't easy to think with a pounding headache, but I knew I needed to find a way out of this situation before it was too late. Time for a hit would have to wait; survival was now my top priority.

I was deeply impressed by my security system which seemed impenetrable to any threat, whether physical, digital, or even metaphysical. Its ability to detect and stop danger in its tracks was unmatched. It was my pride and joy, a testament to my intelligence and foresight. Yet here I was, tied up next to the very people who had managed to breach my defences. Had my pride been my downfall? Was this an inside job orchestrated by those closest to me? I couldn't dismiss the possibility; after all, history taught us that even the most trusted can turn out to be deceitful. But as I looked at my attackers, they appeared worse off than me. Perhaps this wasn't a setup after all; just one of many possible scenarios playing out. One thing was for sure: once I escaped from this predicament, I would have to review and upgrade my security measures. Something had gone wrong, something I had overlooked. But there was one element of my security system they had missed - something only I knew about since I was the sole inventor and user. A combination of physical, metaphysical, and digital components that surpassed human understanding - even theirs.

As I hummed, the room fell into eerie stillness. Even the devil stopped fidgeting in their chair. The wind ceased to howl, and the cool breeze halted. All background sounds faded away. This was not what they were anticipating, whoever they were - a combination of human-AI hybrid and metaphysical technology. The open doors slammed shut, windows became barricaded, and the energy field around the house activated. The electrostatic pulse installed in every room ensnared every being inside, except for me and the devil. It delivered a sharp metaphysical shock and physical jolts to its recipients. The devil squirmed as they woke up, but I refused to end this constant torturous pulse until I determined their innocence in this intrusion. Then, the pulse targeted and disintegrated the chains that held me captive in my chair. I stood up, still sore and with a throbbing headache, but filled with anger and a thirst for revenge. Yet before I could act, I needed to steady my nerves with a glass of whiskey and rebalance my mind with a hit from my pipe. I left the room, ignoring the devil's protests - they could wait while I tended to more pressing matters.
This graphic novel is a true cyberpunk mentalist fiction created with a dialogue between low life (the writer) and high tech (the Ai), it is an ongoing dialogue that will grow and change over time.
This is a live book series writing/story art, graphic novel cyberpunk, and dystopian fantasy project. Written by Sam I Am Artwork by Kling Ai directed by Sam I Am. Copyright is protected. It is a first rough draft work in progress so will change over time. This project is part of the writing projects.
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