Story Art Project

And the devil died screaming: Season One in the Ultra-High Series

This a live writing, story art project. This graphic novel is a true cyberpunk mentalist fiction created with a dialogue between low life (the writer) and high tech (the Ai), it is an ongoing dialogue that will grow and change over time. 

I am writing/creating a psychological cyberpunk dystopian fantasy, a graphic novel, and a live writing experiment between writer/story artist Sam I Am and AI / Artificial Intelligence.

Art by Wonder Ai and Kiling Ai directed by Sam I Am. Words by Sam I Am. 

virtual worlds (1)

I took a drag from the pre-rolled cigarette with Premium 9.1.80, preparing for the effects to kick in soon. I knew I shouldn't have been smoking this kind of stuff in my bedroom, but I wanted some time alone; a place to lie down and wander through my

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