Exclusive: Growth of new Patriotic Alternative group suggests ‘shift towards more openly racial politics’ Report shows far right nationalist are becoming more open and extreme in their views. This is really happening along with far right conspiracy theories. It’s even happening for people who were just right of centre. I have seen it with people I know and family members who once held rather grounded views now posting, reposting memes and articles with questionable content and from suspect sources whilst appearing to believe every word. Say what you like about the far right nationalist but they are doing a far better job of stoking up reaction and getting those that would be traditionally be sat on the fence to fall to the right. On the left we spend too much time fighting amongst ourselves and trying to cancel out the voice of those that aren’t quite left enough. They don’t do that on the right. They encourage them to keep moving towards them. And unless we get our shot together we are going to lose a lot more of those fence sitters to the political right. Now my politics is left of centre. I have always been open and honest about that. And I am proud of it. I think the far left can be as dangerous and damaging as the far right. If we are to move forward in this world we need to allow true bipartisan debate and discussion to thrive. But I know being on the left that the Far Left would vilify and try to cancel me out for even saying that. The problem is that the right are weaponising this “Cancel Culture” and censorship to entice those getting sick of it over to their way of thinking. And they are doing it in very subtle ways (sometimes) using behavioral psychology 101 techniques. And ultimately using the far left to drive the far right recruitment effort. It’s time the left got more strategic in our thinking and campaigning. We need to be winning hearts and minds not pushing them off the fence. https://www.facebook.com/103626624451616/posts/192043725609905/
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