Film-maker says enthusiasm for president in swing states is ‘off the charts’ and urges everyone to commit to getting 100 people to vote Michael Moore warns, for a second time (the first in 2016) that Trump is on his way to victory. He says that you can’t leave it out to the Democratic Party to get Trump out but that the voters, Democratic supporters need to commit to getting 100 people, each, to vote. He correctly predicted the Trump win in 2016. I also predicted this in 2016 as I did with the Brexit vote the year before in a post I wrote ahead of both results. My rationale then came from my analysis of their campaigns. As a marketing and communications specialist I could clearly see that on both occasions the opposition were running better campaigns. Better Branding and Slogans and better use of social media and behavioral targeting. Hopefully the Democrats have woken up to this and are doing a better job this time. This time does feel different and it does feel a lot closers than in 2016. Biden could steal it from under Trumps nose. But only if they pull out all the stops and the Democratic voting public commits, as Moore says, to getting others to vote as well. This is not a time of complacency; it’s a time of action. As a UK citizen looking in its clear to me that the US has one chance to regain its foothold as the global leader and save its democracy from tyranny; and that is to vote Trump out in 2020.
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