Firms with no history of supplying the products they were paid for, a business linked to Brexit lobbyists, and a dormant company were among the beneficiaries. I say this too often; but this sums the Tories up. At the very best this is gross negligence by this government during a national and international crisis. At it’s worse this is using this crisis for nepotism, to line the pockets of their rich friends, Tory and Brexit supporters and selling off parts of the NHS supply chain. What makes this worse is they were ignoring and rejecting offers from established PPE suppliers to manufacture millions of bits of kit, in the UK (so helping the UK economy) and companies offering to do it at a fraction of the current costs, even offering to do it and make zero profit. People died because of this whilst they conservatives and their friends made millions. It’s beyond disgusting, it’s beyond even negligent: it’s criminal.
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