Millions in taxpayer cash has been given to company that doesn't appear to have traded since it was founded in 2016 – a questionable move in a bigger “scandal”, according to one MP More than £5billion in tax payers money has been given to questionable firms during this pandemic. I keep posting stories like this. But it’s because these particular stories keep growing into one bigger picture story of ineptitude, nepotism and a possible scandal of fraud at the very top of UK government. These companies include some that are apparently dormant, companies that have no experience is dealing with or supplying PPE and (of course) associates and friends of the Conservative party and Dominic Cummings. This is the story of the Tories all over. My entire life there have been stories like this coming out about corruption and nepotism from the Tory party and yet people keep voting them in. Using this pandemic as a chance to get rich is sickening enough. But firms will take advantage of any opportunity they get to make money, this should though be regulated and bids for supplies should go out to tender. This is standard process and weeds out both nepotism and ineptitude (where the bidding process is transparent and honest). Here though there have been no tenders. There has been no transparency and yet companies have been given 1 day contracts that are in the hundreds of thousands of pounds, with no vetting or transparency. This is a true scandal. The people making these decisions should be investigated and held to account.
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