On "Good Morning America," the infectious disease expert said unequivocally that more than 180,000 Americans have died of the coronavirus. “ Dr. Anthony Fauci this week debunked an online theory that suggested the coronavirus had accounted for only 9,000 U.S. fatalities, noting that such a figure was only a fraction of the actual death toll. The infectious disease expert stated unequivocally on “Good Morning America” that more than 180,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. “The point that the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] was trying to make was that a certain percentage of them had nothing else, just COVID,” Fauci said Tuesday. “That does not mean that someone who has hypertension, diabetes who dies of COVID didn’t die of COVID-19, but they did. So the numbers you’ve been hearing, the 180,000 plus, are real deaths from COVID-19.” https://www.facebook.com/103626624451616/posts/196242941856650/
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