Saturday contemplation: Life feels too much sometimes. Covid, US elections, Brexit, Lockdown 2.0, climate change, racial injustice, hatred and bigotry pushed on the LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈 community. It needs to stop. We need to take a breath and ask “what is really going on here?” When did fake news, conspiracy theory and misinformation get taken as gospel by so many? The divisions which are propagated and propelled forward by the attention economies of global tech platforms need to be acknowledged and addressed. We need to first acknowledge their existence, their impact in and on our lives and then build strategies to overcome them. To educate others and start building a movement for change. @tristanharris and @centerforhumanetechnology state it like this “As long as social media companies profit from outrage, confusion, addiction, and depression, our well-being and democracy will continue to be at risk.” Don’t just be the change in the world influence it. @ajlunited the Algorithmic Justice League shows how coded bias is affecting the lives of marginalized groups. How big data and AI is not “unbiased” as it claims as its coded by straight white men for straight white men who may not even realise their deep in built biases. In the UK @openrightsgroup monitors and fights for your rights for digital freedom, free from surveillance and data harvesting and manipulation. Check out the work of some of these groups. These are just some of the organizations and people fighting for your digital freedom. All of the issues above are being affected by the polarization caused by social media and big tech companies. We need to somehow get a grip on that to move forward as a society. We need to acknowledge our addiction and dependence on this technologies. Acknowledging we have a problem is the first part. We then need to start learning to use them to our advantage and holding them accountable for what they are doing in society. Yes Twitter and Facebook are suppressing the false tweets and accusations of the current occupant of the White House, and that’s a start. But that is too little too late for many. Start the journey, take back control. Saturday contemplation: Life feels too much sometimes. Covid, US elections, Brexit, Lockdown 2.0, climate change, racial injustice, hatred and bigotry pushed on the LGBTQ+ 🏳️‍🌈 community. It needs to stop. We need to take a breath and ask “what is really going on here?” When did fake news, conspiracy theory and misinformation get taken as gospel by so many? The divisions which are propagated and propelled forward by the attention economies of global tech platforms need to be acknowledged and addressed. We need to first acknowledge their existence, their impact in and on our lives and then build strategies to overcome them. To educate others and start building a movement for change. @tristanharris and @centerforhumanetechnology state it like this “As long as social media companies profit from outrage, confusion, addiction, and depression, our well-being and democracy will continue to be at risk.” Don’t just be the change in the world influence it. @ajlunited the Algorithmic Justice League shows how coded bias is affecting the lives of marginalized groups. How big data and AI is not “unbiased” as it claims as its coded by straight white men for straight white men who may not even realise their deep in built biases. In the UK @openrightsgroup monitors and fights for your rights for digital freedom, free from surveillance and data harvesting and manipulation. Check out the work of some of these groups. These are just some of the organizations and people fighting for your digital freedom. All of the issues above are being affected by the polarization caused by social media and big tech companies. We need to somehow get a grip on that to move forward as a society. We need to acknowledge our addiction and dependence on this technologies. Acknowledging we have a problem is the first part. We then need to start learning to use them to our advantage and holding them accountable for what they are doing in society. Yes Twitter and Facebook are suppressing the false tweets and accusations of the current occupant of the White House, and that’s a start. But that is too little too late for many. Start the journey, take back control.
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