The success of The Daily Wire, the website run by right-wing pundit Ben Shapiro, on Facebook is mind-boggling. The site has a small staff and primarily aggregates content from Twitter and other news outlets. Typically, its articles are very short, usually less than 500 words, and contain no original... Part of the secret of the success of right wing media such as Ben Shaprio's daily news was exposed in this article. And it's still going on. Facebook seems to allow people, even if spreading fear and hate, to break their rules as and when it suits them. Which is basically when they are making lots of money off it. "Here is how it works. Most of the content on the five pages in this network consists of links to and, two websites owned by the Pepples. These sites identify incendiary stories — that are frequently months or years old — that prey on prejudice and fear. The sites then rewrite the stories with no indication that the story is old. This generates a "new" link that is able to thrive in Facebook's algorithm. For example, published a story on June 19, 2020, with the headline "Family Displays ‘Southern Pride’ Sign, Stranger Confronts Them With Gun." The article describes how a man named Mark Wilson was standing on the side of the road with his family, waving Confederate flags. According to Wilson, a man drove up and pointed a gun at him and other family members. The man then drove away without harming anyone. It's not mentioned in TadHaps article, but the incident occurred five years ago, in 2015."
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