Top expert says Biden taking pandemic ‘seriously’, leading spokesman for president to accuse doctor of political bias You need to vote him out, he whose name is not even worth speaking as to do so just adds to his “Branding” The US needs a president that takes this pandemic seriously. That doesn’t name call and blame others but steps up, take firm action and takes responsibility. I am far from a conservative but in the UK, as much as I despise the man and what he represents, Boris is at least doing something. Albeit late. But he is doing something and all through his government has provided support to those whose jobs are at risk and more. Has it been perfect? Far from it. Has it been free from corruption, deceit or ineptitude? No quite the opposite. But I appreciate this is a very challenging situation to try to manage and try to do the right thing. But one of the simplest things to do is to acknowledge it, warn people about how serious it is and take some kind of action. He who shall not be named can’t even do that. And now he has the blood of hundreds of thousands of lives on his hands. If you haven’t already vote. And vote him out. #vote
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