Sleepwalking into Dystopia

Sleepwalking into Dystopia is a series of articles written by me as a self-publishing author of cyberpunk/dystopian fiction and nonfiction.

If you want to find more of my work in this area both fiction and nonfiction then check out my substack book projects.

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Fear and loathing in your living room

In this article I look at the Reticular Activating System

So why is fear so addictive and used by social media, tech, government, and big business to refocus your attention?

First, let’s look at something called the Reticular Activating System. I was looking for a way to describe this and came across this Medium article by  Tobias van Schneider titled “If you want it, you might get it. The Reticular Activating System…

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In this article I am looking at Deflective Marketing and Reflexive Control

The seeds of fear and doubt are addictive and contagious:

I recently posted the below on Facebook.

Thought of the day on the Chaos Architectures of Manipulation and Control

“Deflective marketing and reflexive control are mechanisms of shaping the narrative in a framing whereby the information architecture, from within which the argument draws its knowledge,…

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In this article, I am looking at the Aims and Objectives of Russian Information Warfare

I had to take a break from this for a couple of weeks as the obsession with this subject was getting too intense and not good for me mentally. However, now I can continue.

In this post, we will look at the aims and objectives of the information war conducted by Russia. To understand these is to understand the subtly of how they work at times.

We will…

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In this artiicle, I look at the Concepts and Terminology to understand Russian Information Warfare

To start off this second post in the “The Russian Information War” series and continue our focus on “Concepts and Terminology” let's first start of by restating that Russian Information Warfare is carried out, in part, during peacetime as well as wartime. Of course, the fact that this is stepped up during times of war is the very reason…

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In this article, I look at the Concepts and Terminology to understand Russian Information Warfare

As discussed in the last post I will be working through the Handbook of Russian Information Warfare to see if I can break down what this means to us the civilians of the world and what it might mean in terms of protecting ourselves and doing what we can for the people of Ukraine.

Section 2 of the handbook; looks at “Essential…

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This is the first of my articles looking at the Russian Information Warefare Machine

As I write these words Russia is on the ninth day of its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. There are many words I could and have on my social media channels and website where I write about this. About the war crimes, the inhumanity, the shelling of civilians, and the attacks on people trying to flee but there are many more qualified people on the ground in Ukraine who are doing a much better job of that…

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There is nothing the elite hate more than having their narratives disrupted. Of course, in today's world getting your narrative even heard is challenging enough. The elite do have the benefit though of the media who will suck up every ounce of bait that those in the seats of power in government, big business, and especially big tech give them. Big tech of course also has a great stranglehold of all of the narratives of the world through the censorship, suppression, and removal of content…

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So, what is really going on right now? What is the truth? Whilst BoJo and his team of co-conspirators look to dismantle the NHS and crash it during a plague. As he and his cronies have said “let the bodies pile high” and then gaslight us with repeating failed concepts; experimenting with the immunity of the heard. Using a metaphor that leaves the British public framed as not just animals and beasts but ones that are tamed, controlled and devoured by their masters. It is clear they have one…

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Why are Trumpers, Brexiteers and Tory supporters so angry? After all, they won. So why do we see and hear them continually getting wound up and shouting, even screaming at the other side?  

Do they honestly think that once an election or referendum has finished that the other side should just shut up be quiet and not say another word? Do they not know how democracy works? Neither the US nor the UK is in a dictatorship (yet). But still, they seem to think that the other side does not…

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It is polling time again soon in the UK and who are you going to vote for? Do you know? Have you made up your mind? Or are you going to listen to what's said and make and “informed decision?” 

Is that even possible in today’s world? Can you make sense of all the noise? If we put aside for one moment the rhetoric and hyperbole from each of the main party front liners and their spin doctors, which are bad enough, and we listen to the media pundits, bloggers, podcasters and YouTubers can…

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Dystopian cyberpunk writer

Dystopian cyberpunk writing of prose, graphic novels, fiction, and non-fiction by Sam-i-am

Substack Book Porjects


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